• FrangipaniFrangipani

  • photogenX HandbookStudent handbook in the works

Having a few days off was really good. I think I needed it to just help my brain to change gear from being a tech to being a missionary. The time for walking around campus looking for something to do is now very much over. Two weeks ago we had staff training and it was a very helpful insightful time where I learned what was was required of a staff member and how to deal with difficult situations and some very helpful tips on ‘one on ones’ which is the close discipleship element of DTS.  We also got our individual staff assignments/roles last week and one of mine is to organise and run the AV gear which I’m looking forward to. Another assignment is to do the student handbook.

This is quite a large assignment because it involves creating and populating what is currently a 94 page booklet filled with legal information, staff profiles, local information, lecturer profiles, a ‘read the bible on DTS’ section, a lecture journal and assignments section plus a few more. Its really nice to have something to occupy my mind and this is certainly taking up a large proportion of my time right now. Your prayers that I’d get it done in good time to have it printed before the students arrive on April 4 would be greatly appreciated. Also pray for the other staff members who are contributing to this booklet through typing things up for me and taking and editing photographs.

We now have ten staff members! We have had a massive influx of staff which has been tremendously encouraging. We now have seven female staff members and three male staff members which has been a real answer to prayer. Plus our three person leadership team. I absolutely love these people, God’s really getting us excited and full of joy about what’s just around the corner. We are the craziest mix of personalities and talents and I can not wait to see some of the media that comes out of this school. Particularly if our students are even half as crazy as the staff are!

God has been doing amazing things in my life. For a while I was really struggling to tangibly feel His presence with me or to really be able to join in with the worship songs but the other day at worship I gave all my plans and aspirations to Him along with my opinion of how I was doing in my relationship with Him. Almost instantly I just felt completely released and at peace. He’s been giving me a real passion for the students that will be here soon. I had an interesting situation in the prayer room where I was praying “God where do you want me to go on outreach?” and He replied “You mean where do I want the students to go…..” I had one of those light bulb moments where I realised that the place of greatest blessing for me was in what God wanted for the students, in the place He wanted them to go. Gotta love it when you take your eyes off yourself and finally see the bigger picture God’s had all along!

I just want you to know, as someone who is reading this that I greatly value your prayers for me. It sounds corny but I actually couldn’t do what I do without you supporting me. God calls different people to do different things and its great that you can join me in these adventures. Its a real comfort knowing that I have people at home thinking about me.

I’ll post another update after the students get here because I’m sure I’ll have a lot to say! Plus I’ll know outreach locations!! So look out for the next one of these!


PRAYER – for if you’re the praying type…

Answered Prayer

  • We now have 10 staff members plus our 3 leaders!!
  • I no longer feel the need to compare myself to the other staff. I received some words from a few people on base that really spoke to my heart and I’ve been released from that detrimental train of thought. My focus being on making sure I’m just doing what God’s told ME to do and being content in that.

Prayer Points

  • That God would continue to work on me so that I continue to grow in my knowledge of Him and so that I can pour into these students how much He loves them and speak into their lives to bring them closer to Him.
  • Inspiration for the student handbook and that I’ll get it finished on time. Also pray for Adobe InDesign that it doesn’t crash on me and I lose all my work.
  • For finances and visas for the students so that the ones God wants to be here, can be.


God bless you!

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