• Me in PanamaMe in Panama

  • Me in Nepaltar, NepalMe in Nepal

  • Working on the bikeWorking on the bike with Dad in Melbourne 

The question I have been asked more than pretty much any question these days is something to the effect of “What are you doing next?” As I promised in my last update, I have news!! I am SO excited to share with you all what I’m going to be doing in the coming months so I’ll get right to it.

For the past year or so I have been serving with YWAM in the Kona base, staffing, learning, leading missions trips, serving in a multitude of ways. I lead two incredible outreach teams. One team to Panama and one team to India and Nepal. Three countries that are so different but such extraordinary places in their own way. My students on both those teams are all exceptional young men and women and hold a dear place in my heart. We saw God heal people’s physical bodies many times both within the team and total strangers, we saw people give their lives to Jesus and we were able to make beautiful media pieces along the way (see previous posts). It was my honour and privilege to journey with them as they pressed further into God than they ever had and to see them arrive back home totally different to when they left and with a confidence in God that came about from EXPERIENCE not just ‘theory’ brings so much joy to my heart! This is why I do what I do! I have received no shortage of offers to do quite a variety of things with YWAM and this is a tremendous encouragement to me as each person who asked me to do something said one reason was because they could see me wholeheartedly living for Jesus. So encouraging to see that growth since the same time last year! However I felt that despite all these amazing, encouraging offers, for now at least and with my leaders support, I was supposed to do something else.

What else? Well during my time in Panama I had the opportunity to go to a conference where some people from a church called Bethel came and gave teaching on Holy Spirit and healing. It was an amazing time where we witnessed many many miracles, healings and people giving their lives to Jesus and joining the family! What I saw in these men and womens lives was a confidence in God that I didn’t have. Sure, I have seen God heal people in front of my eyes, provide impossible sums of money in a matter of hours etc. but nothing like this. I found myself longing for that kind of relationship with Jesus and so a flame was ignited inside me that I have never had before. An overwhelming desire to know God in this way, to see Him move in power and see thousands brought into a relationship with Jesus.

So this September I will be moving to Redding California to do year one of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry or BSSM for short. The school runs from September 8 to May 8 and I am so excited to do this and press into God as I feel more and more that I am called to a life of ministry. The course has a lot of teaching from a variety of well known international speakers, there are local outreaches and volunteer opportunities. Towards the end of the school year there is a short mission trip that I’m already excited for! Bethel also has an excellent culture of worship and this is something I want to involve myself with and grow as a musician.

What am I doing until then? At the moment I am working as an Audio Visual technician for a variety of companies and saving as much as I can. I didn’t get an AV job for a while though, when I first got back there was no work to be had and through a series of circumstances that involved me dying to my pride a few times I finally got full time hours at a great pay rate just like I prayed for and you prayed for! Such a blessing! God is so faithful! I will continue to work as much as I can until I leave for the United States on August 10.

Believe it or not I actually have another big announcement! A few weeks ago I received an email from one of the base leaders my team and I stayed with in India and they asked me if I would consider coming and speaking on the DTS there as their first international speaker! I asked what dates they wanted me for and it ended up being the ONLY dates in this entire year I would be free to do it!! As I arrive in the US August 10 for a friend’s wedding and BSSM starts on September 8 I really could only come in the week of August 25-29 as I need time to get settled into my accommodation in Redding. This small base is brand new and my team was the first international team to even stay there! As a result of that I was told they wouldn’t be able to fund my flights etc and I would have to come up with that myself.  After a few days in prayer over the matter and discussing it with my family and a few friends I accepted the invitation! I will be flying from the US to India, teaching all week and then flying back to the US to start BSSM the following week. Busy? Yes. Do I have peace about it? Yes.

Speaking on a DTS involves preparing around 15-20 hours of material on a particular topic and I will be teaching the students over that week about a biblical view on submission to authority. It is a lot of material to prepare and I will be fitting in preparing for this as well as working as much as I can with the AV companies.

I do not believe that just because the base can not fund this trip does not mean that God does not have something important to say to these students through me. I have decided to take a step of faith and raise the money needed for the trip over there bringing about the birth of 60 for 50.

60 for 50 is my little fund raising idea. After carefully evaluating the costs of the entire trip: flights, transfers, accommodation etc the whole thing comes to almost exactly $3000. How then to partner with people in such a way that I am raising a team of people who will pray for me and these students and make it easy to fund this trip? The most important thing, and I really mean this, is for you to partner with me in prayer. When you pray it is powerful. I am looking for people to partner with me as a prayer network for this trip and for the future.

I’m also in need of 60 people to partner with me for $50 each. If you would like you can of course give more but reason I have made it 60 for 50 instead of 30 for 100 is because I want to give as many people as possible the chance to partner with me and at the same time make it as affordable as possible to do so. If you would like to partner with me in prayer or as one of the 60 for 50 (who are clearly on the prayer team too) Please go to the 60 for 50 page. I will keep it updated as money comes in. There is a contact form there as well as information on how to partner with me in whatever way you feel led.

I’m so excited to be stepping in to this new season of life. Attending BSSM, speaking in India and doing day to day life with God here in Melbourne are all proving to continue to grow me and challenge me. I am just trusting in God and living the best I can for him.


PRAYER – for if you’re the praying type…


Answered Prayer

  • For full time work during my time in Melbourne (I have full time hours!)
  • God continually changing me

Prayer Points

  • Prayer partners as I step into this next season of growth
  • Wisdom in my preparations for teaching in India that God would speak through me clearly and profoundly
  • For 60 people to give $50 towards my trip to India
  • For me to grow and see God work powerfully through me as I attend BSSM


God bless you!

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