I have some amazing news for all of you! There’s so many things to say! I want to start with some testimonies from my Panama team. Its just a short video we put together about how God had changed us over outreach. It was shot about ¾ of the way through and the changes only continued! Check it out.
So…. after much deliberation, prayer and a lot of emails to and from every corner of the globe I’m extremely excited to announce that I’ll be taking a team to India and Nepal with my amazing co-leader Talea. We’re taking 12 students with us. Eight young ladies and four young men. We’ll be spending just over five weeks in Kolkata, West Bengal and the surrounding regions and then almost six weeks in Nepal. We’re looking into working with a number of ministries in both countries but we’re still confirming those so I will update you know as those details become available.
One of my roles on DTS is to disciple a few of our young men. This quarter I’ve been entrusted with five young men and I have to say it has been the greatest privilege to get to know them and see God work in their life. They all came really wanting certain things from their time here. It has been amazing to see how these young men are already seeing real change in a lot of these areas and honestly it has been SUCH an encouragement to me to see them so happy and growing everyday in their walk with God. I’ve seen my prayers answered for them and they’re able to encourage me and pray with me as well. They’re such a blessing to my life!
There’s a huge difference staffing for a second time. I’m a lot more relaxed because I know what’s happening and I’m able to better ration my time and responsibilities because I know how busy I will be at certain times. Its also extremely encouraging to see how I’ve grown personally. My life is definitely more of a joy to live now than when I first started staffing. I’m really feeling like I’m able to lead with authority now as my way of life isn’t struggling to involve God is what I’m doing anymore, its a personal, daily walk with Him and I can honestly say that I am happier than I have been in my whole life!
God has really been speaking to me recently about needing to read my Bible more and remembering that even though I’m seeing Him work miracles through me, to remember not to chase the miracle, the healing, the prophetic word but to remember that my real goal is to grow in my relationship with Him. The other things are just tools God gives us to aid in bringing people into a closer relationship with Him, whether it be them receiving salvation or growing in their personal walk. It’s not about the miracle, its about what happens because of it. I’m sure I haven’t worded that as well as I could have but please see my heart in this. Through all of what God has been showing me I’ve found that as I apply it to my life, there’s an overwhelming sense of order and peace that follow.
I am needing to raise about $2000 for my upcoming trip to India and Nepal by November 21 2013.
God provides when we do His will and I staffed this school because I felt called to do it. I’m taking a leap of faith here that God will provide the money for me to do this as I have no way of earning money in the USA. I will be doing mercy ministries in both countries and I would like to ask you to prayerfully consider donating to me. I’m planning to come home in March 2014 and share about all my experiences. I will of course share more about the ministries I’m doing as they are confirmed.
This isn’t an ongoing donation I’m asking for, just a once off donation towards this mission trip. If you want to donate to what God’s going to do on these trips and/or to me personally for living expenses during that time please send me an email at peter@peterdrummond.net and I will send you my bank details or using PayPal at my personal email listed on my Support page. All donations will go directly to Youth With A Mission to pay for my outreach fees.
PRAYER – for if you’re the praying type…
Answered Prayer
- That God would give me strength to lead well in my second time staffing.
- Guidance for the future and what to do next year – details coming as events unfold
Prayer Points
- $2000 for my outreach to India/Nepal by November 21st
- That I would grow even more and develop further the leadership gift He has given me.
- Monthly supporters that want to join in with the work God is doing through my life and ministry.
- That God would continue to work on me so that I continue to grow in my knowledge of Him and in leadership.
- Team India/Nepal and especially Talea my co-leader.
God bless you!